Monday, May 16, 2011

The Budget Shoppers Dream: Coupon Chief Site Review

Hi Everyone!

Many of you can probably tell from my blog posts that I am a budget shopper. I enjoy finding a deal. Since the world has gone into a recession, things have been difficult for some shoppers. In today's society shoppers are looking for a deal when they buy a product. I know I am one of those shoppers. Shows like TLC's Extreme Couponing have shown just how much money you can actually save by using coupons. Coupons are now not only used at grocery stores but many retailers have stepped up to offer their customers a deal.
Luckily for all you discount friendly shoppers a website has been created for you one stop shop for coupons. Coupon Chief is a online directory that contains online coupons for retailers across the globe. The site has over 50k coupons for over 15000 retailers across the globe. For these retailers you will find coupons for discount codes, free shipping, bogos, and other exclusive offers. It's a very good idea to check out Coupon Chief before you decide to make a purchase so you can receive some savings.

Coupon Chief is very easy to navigate. The site is organized by tags of different types of retailers. The tag I look at most often is the fashion and beauty tags. There are codes for some of my favourite retailers like ASOS, Forever 21, and UrbanOG. The site is very interactive so readers can comment and let others know if the coupon code worked for them. If you own your own business you can set up a page and submit any coupons for any promotions you may be running. One thing readers should be alert about is that some of the codes may have been expired or not currently working so be sure to make sure they are still valid since Coupon Chief doesn't delete some of the older codes.

Coupon Chief is a great site for the budget friendly shopper to discover some savings from their favourite retailers. I hope you all enjoy this site, after all who doesn't mind some savings? I don't :P.

Are you part of the coupon craze?
What sites do you find reward their customers the most with coupons?
